Have a Drink on Us has a brand new supporter!
Access to clean water is essential to life, yet millions of people around the world lack this basic resource. Our “Have a Drink on Us Campaign” is dedicated to building wells in Africa and India to address this critical need. To date, we have built 93 wells, helping to provide clean water to 61,405 people, and this year, we are on a mission to build our 100th!
“LNADJ is cool, credible and fully transparent. In a world where cynicism is ever on the increase, to be able to help for helping’s sake is really important to me. There’s also some slight ego involved… we all REALLY want to be known as nice people, if we’re honest about it, right?”
Meet Andy Ward – DJ, Creator of Inspire & Be Inspired, Director of Vocal Booth Weekender, and the Founder of Access.
Alongside a loyal following and his access crew Andy Ward has joined our mission to change lives and save lives, and we’re so honoured to have the support of such an esteemed industry legend.
Our longstanding campaign, “Have a Drink on Us,” owes its success to the unwavering support of key players in the music industry and our dedicated supporters. Each well has a story, and behind every tale stands an individual driven by the desire to make a difference.
Ahead of World Water Day 2024, Andy is committed to helping us realise our ambitious 100-well campaign and funding the building of a freshwater well.
We recently caught up with Andy to delve into the motivations behind his commitment and explore why he rallied his crew to step up and become part of this meaningful initiative.
Why did you get involved with Last Night a DJ Saved My Life in the first place?
Speaking with Ellie sometime late in the summer of 2023, I was talking about plans to create my ‘Access’ Gifting Initiative and had seen the wonderful work she had been doing in spreading the word of LNADJ and was keen to be able to support it in some way.
Why is our organisation important to you?
It’s a very visible organisation and, more importantly, has many relatable missions for the House Music community, which has always truly been about bringing Joy to one another.
Do you have a personal connection to our mission?
Kind of. I didn’t really know much about the specifics of LNADJ but one particular project caught my attention. I think it was just before the first lockdown, I remember being envious of not having either the time or the resources to be involved with one of the initiatives, going to Africa (if I recall right) to help over there. I didn’t pay any attention to who was involved; I just recall thinking, “How wonderful and selfless is that!”. Actually, as I put these answers together for you, I have seen your fantastic promo video that highlights that trip, and I’m even more envious now that I didn’t go.
What do you love most about us?
LNADJ is cool, credible and fully transparent. In a world where cynicism is ever on the increase, to be able to help for helpings sake is really important to me. There’s also some slight ego involved… we all REALLY want to be known as nice people, if we’re honest about it, right? This ties in perfectly with the Access initiative, where we invite people to join us for just £10 per month and our collective energies and resources help various organisations throughout the year, just like this.
What would success look like to you in this collaboration?
As ‘The Access Crew’, being collectively responsible for creating one complete well and having all our names associated with it for the world to see is pretty special. Knowing it’s another part of a legacy many of us strive to build on a daily basis in our own small way. Also, if we can draw some attention to what we are doing at Access, then that, too, would be a very successful collaboration in my eyes.
Why have you picked the Have a Drink on Us campaign to support?
You know, it never even occurred to me until now but I’ve been donating, every month, for over 15 years to WaterAid (and a couple of other organisations). I remember setting up the direct debits after reading Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think & Grow Rich‘. In recent times it’s a coincidence that, after setting up Access, I read ‘Give & Take‘ by Adam Grant which is all about giving and wanting nothing in return.
I’m reminded of those’ Smashy & Nicey’ skits, where they’re constantly talking about their “Chariddy” work. I was always led to believe it’s a bit naff to tell people when you give to charity or help others. However, when you look at the amazing benefits this campaign is bringing to so many people, why would anyone NOT want to be able to shout, loud and proud, about this? And you do it so well at LNADJ.
What does it mean to you to build a well?
It means that the’ small’ contributions we make go a long way to make a huge difference. This was what I set out to do with ‘Access’, and hopefully, projects like this will make more people realise that they CAN afford some spare change every month and that it CAN make a difference. I truly believe this is the beginning of a great relationship with LNADJ and I already have my eyes set on some of the other great schemes you’re involved with for 2025 and beyond.
What type of legacy would you like to leave?
I’d like it to be known that I cared. That I tried and that I did make a difference. I say “I”, that really should be “WE” because without “Community I believe we are all lacking in some way in our lives. ‘Bringing People Together’ is what I guess I’d love to personally be remembered for… my own legacy as it were. That ties in also with a tag line I am very fond of ‘Inspire & Be Inspired’.
What’s the earliest memory you have of getting involved with a charity? Is being involved in charitable causes an important part of your life, and if so, how?
Help the Aged, way back in the 1970s. I used to love getting stars at infant school for all my hard work in doing odd jobs for the elderly or going above and beyond pulling in loads of supplies for Harvest Festival. I’ve always enjoyed helping others and, back then, I used to love being recognised for it. I’m sure a therapist would have a field day telling me why, lol.
Now though, I enjoy giving and expecting nothing back in return. I believe everyone is in a position to help others less fortunate, whether that’s donating time or money.
As I continue on a journey of self-discovery I am taught that what we put out comes back to us at some point in some form of energy. Thank you for allowing us to join LNADJ on this incredible mission.
We’re delighted to have Andy and his Access members onboard and can’t wait to share their fundraising journey with you. Learn more about Access here: www.patreon.com/AccessCrew
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Big Love,
Team LNADJ x